From Matt:
I'm not a conlanger, nor am I particularly skilled at learning languages. You can imagine how well this is going for me.
If you're expecting a fully realized, comprehensive guide to the Sidhe language, that's not likely to exist. Maybe someday, but not any time soon.
Instead, think of this as a phrase book. The words and phrases below have appeared in the Mistreach novels, and by and large, I picked them because they sound right. I attempted some degree of linguistic realism, but I'm far from certain that I did it correctly.
All that to say, there's unlikely to be an edition of the Bible translated into Sidhe.
¶ Sidhe Words and Phrases
- Ash'vela - lit. "Our reunion is pleasing". A very diplomatic greeting between those who are very familiar with each other. Most appropriate for official or formal settings where a pet name, or an overly familiar greeting, would have consequences.
- I'vela - lit. "Our reunion is (intimately) pleasing". An everyday greeting between those who are very familiar with each other. The difference between the two is the difference between saying "Greetings, my lady" (ash'vela) and "Hey, babe" (i'vela). In this case, Ash and I both imply something pleasing to the speaker. Ash is simply a more formal, less intimate form.
- Eldahni - lit. "Lord of my Mind". A formal, ritualistic title for a betrothed. This form addresses anyone using masculin pronouns.
- Eshdahni - lit. "Lady of my Mind". Same as above, but for anyone using feminine pronouns.
- Etdahni - lit. "Ruler of my Mind." Same as above, but for anyone using neutral pronouns.