This is the full and complete timeline, covering everything from the beforeWorld to the very last Renewal. If you're looking for something focused on the novels, check out the Mistreach Timeline.
- Important Note: This timeline is packed with spoilers and none of them are hidden! Read at your own risk!
- Untold centuries before RC1
- A massive multi-generational war, likely involving magic and/or magitech, laid waste to the world.
- Nine of the strongest mages in the world undertook a working to grant them immortality. They became dragons.
- Sidhe, Dwarves, Roken, Gnomes, and Kelpians emerged in the aftermath of the war.
- Decades before RC1
- A cabal of mages from all races gathered together to begin the Renewal Working, led by Archmage Altraxsis, one of the nine dragons.
- The working eventually required five of the dragons to sacrifice themselves, igniting the Fires of Creation.
- At the completion of the ritual, the city of Eythallium was created by the magic of the ritual and Altraxsis was cocooned in magical ice in the heart of the city.
- The Fires of Creation are released for the first time
- The Fires receeded and the preserved members of the races emerged onto a young, primordial world.
- 200 years After Renewal (AR)
- Kelpians scatter into tribes
- Sidhe gather into four kingdoms
- Dwarves retreat into mountain caves and are not seen again this Cycle
- Roken remain as a single group and claim three mountains as their kingdom
- Gnomes and Humans form united tribes together
- 400 years AR
- Roken are the most dominant race and are frequently at war with the Sidhe
- One of the human and gnome tribes discovers Eythallium. They begin worshipping the frozen Altraxsis as a god
- An entire tribe of Kelpians are killed when an asteroid impacts the bay they were living in
- 1,200 years AR
- Eythallium has become the spiritual center of humans and gnomes who have developed a theocracy
- The Sidhe kingdoms pull back into the jungles
- The Roken kingdom begins clashing with the human and gnome theocracy
- 5,000 years AR
- The Eythallium theocracy dominates the world
- The Sidhe kingdoms are reduced in size and begin referring to themselves as Courts
- Kelpian mages emerge
- 7,500 years AR
- The Eythallium theocracy fractures as humans begin asserting their superiority
- The Scism War rages for a century
- 9,000 years AR
- Kelpian mages have taught magic to the other races (presumably including dwarves)
- Sidhe mages begin researching dimensional magic and immortality
- Gnomes conquer Eythallium and reduce humanity to roving bands
- 11,000 years AR
- The Sidhe perform a ritual granting their entire race immunity from aging after the age of twenty-five
- Human mages lay seige to Eythallium, beginning the Dragon War that will trigger the Fires of Creation
- 11,231 years AR
- A human mage and a gnome mage locked in battle blast their way into the chamber that holds the Fires of Creation and both ignite the Renewal
- The Fires receed, but the preserved members of the races are not released yet
- 1,000 years AR
- Dwarves, Gnomes, and Kelpians emerge and find Eythallium right away: it is the peak of a volcanoe that is riddled with caves and surrounded by an inland sea, making it an ideal home for Dwarves and gnomes and Kelpians alike
- After some initial squabbles, the three races form a united kingdom
- 1,500 years AR
- Roken, Sidhe, and Humans emerge
- The Roken are accepted into the Eythallium kingdom
- The Sidhe reform their four Courts and vanish into the far corners of the untamed jungle; they immediately resume their study of dimensional magic
- Humans emerge onto a massive savannah and form wandering caravans
- 3,000 years AR
- The Eythallium kingdom claims the entire mountain range that seperates the inland sea from the jungles and the savannah
- The Sidhe open an embassy in Eythallium
- Humans, living the furthest from Eythallium, begin establishing mage-led kingdoms as they redicover magic
- 4,500 years AR
- Sidhe mages call for a council of the most skilled mages of all races
- This first Mystic Council constructs a tower on a volcanic island in the Western Ocean
- Eventually, a majority of mages relocate to the tower
- 6,000 years AR
- The Eythallium kingdom collapses
- Kelpians gain sole control of Eythallium
- Dwarves pull back to their three volcanic cities
- Gnomes learn to shape trees and grow a single massive tree in the Southern Savannah after being granted lands by two of the human kingdoms
- Roken maintain an alliance with the dwarves and construct eyries on peaks that neighbor the volcanic cities
- 7,500 years AR
- The human kingdoms network of alliances eventually results in a series of unifications that result in a northern kingdom and a southern kingdom. The southern kingdom includes the gnomish kingdom based in the Firmament Tree
- The mage tower and all the mages living in it vanish
- 9,000 years AR
- The Sidhe Spring Court performs a ritual meant to create a pocket dimension, the resulting magical explosion is felt across all of At-Breith
- 9,047 years AR
- The Spring Court reappears following a second massive explosion, which ignites the Fires of Creation. For the first time, an individual is called to the Fires: the dwarf Golaine Glowhammer
- The Fires receed, leaving a world of mountains and flame. The most habitable areas are, initially, underground.
- 500 years AR
- Dwarves, humans, and Roken emerge
- Golaine, imbued with an ember from the Fires, remains alive and guides these first people into a peaceful way of life
- Rune magic emerges for the first time
- Roken struggle the most in this Cycle, something Golaine takes notice and offers the Roken three options: he can create several massive caverns where they can fly as they are (complete with heat sources to provide thermals), or he can adjust the Roken race to make them more manueverable allowing them greater mobility in the tighter confines of the caves. The third option is doing both, but to a lesser degree. The Roken elect for option three and Golaine creates a single massive cavern for them and alters them to have smaller, more compact wings allowing for more manueverable flight.
- 1,200 years AR
- Gnomes and Kelpians emerge. Golaine had prepared and subterrainian sea for the Kelpians, and both races settle in to the same peaceful dynamic as the others.
- 1,800 years AR
- The gnomes find Eythallium
- 2,300 years AR
- After wondering why the Sidhe haven't emerged yet, it finally occurs to Golaine to look above ground where he finds four massive magical scars. Thanks to the ember of the Fires, he is able to follow the arcane threads of the explosions and he found the four pocket dimensions holding the Sidhe. They were under seige by something in the betweenRealm he named the Echoes of the Possible. Golaine joined their defense and eventually, he pulled the four pocket dimensions together and reconnected it to At-Breith
- 5,000 years AR
- With the Sidhe returned to the world, things settled into relative peace overseen by Golaine until he felt a call to surrender himself to the Fires.
- 8,000 years AR
- The peace of Golaine Glowhammer lasted for nearly three thousand years without his direct presence. However, the Dwarves decide that as the heirs of Glowhammer, they are meant to be the rulers of the world. The Anvil War lasts a generation with the dwarves beaten by an alliance of other races.
- 9,000 years AR
- The gnomes living in Eythallium wake up to discover a brand new building in Eythallium: the Hall of the Flame. Inside is a statue of Golaine Glowhammer which contains his ember of the Fires. When the current king of the Dwarves touches the statue, the entire Dwarven race is altered to have more affinity to flame than earth.
- 12,389 years AR
- A Kelpian, Lady Att'la Quelar, is called to the Fires of Creation and for the first time a Called is given the choice between Renewal and or extending the Cycle. She elects for Renewal.
- The Fires receed leaving a worldwide ocean broken by island chains. Lady Att'la is embued with an ember of the Fires and reigns as Queen of the Kelpians who emerge almost immediately.
- 500 years AR
- Knowing that the other races would soon emerge, Lady Att'la had prepared shipbuilding materials to be waiting for each race.
- Roken and Gnomes emerged together and built their first ships to accomodate both races.
- Dwarves emerged on a volcanic island and elected to build down rather than build ships.
- 1,000 years AR
- Humans emerged and immediately began to spread out, forming fleets and island settlements.
- Humans also formed the first pirate fleets
- The gnomes and Rokens brought their ships together and combined them into a massive floating city: Hullroost.
- Sidhe emerged and sought out the connection to their Realm. They found that four distinct forests had grown within the pocket dimension, each one tuned to a different Court. They began working on making multiple entrances to their realm, one for each Court.
- 4,500 years AR
- Hullroost has become the trading hub of the surface
- Lady Att'la finds Eythallium under the ocean. She creates an air bubble around and makes a series of ornate gateway portals into the city.
- 4,800 years AR
- Eythallium is open for settlement to every race
- The dwarves introduce submarines of a sort to At-Breith
- Underseas exploration and trade boom
- 6,000 years AR
- Lady Att'la feels the call to return to the Fires
- Her statue appears in the Hall of the Flame. Her great grandson touches the statue and the entire Kelpian race find themselves able to breath both air and water.
- 7,500 years AR
- A human pirate, Tee Ransom, unites all of the pirate fleets and leads one of the most brutal wars of conquest ever seen.
- Hullroost is burned and scuttled.
- The surface portals connecting to Eythallium are broken by Ransom, declaring that the surface and all who dwell on it are his.
- The dwarves and Kelpians unite to face this threat and Ransom and his fleet are last seen sailing into a massive, magical storm conjured by pirate mages.
- 9,500 years AR
- Hullroost is rebuilt centered on an island this time
- The Sidhe withdrawl into their Realm full time
- A gnome mage studying the Ransom Storm discovers evidence of temporal magic in the eye of the storm
- 15,500 years AR
- The Ransom Storm ends without warning and Ransom's Fleet of pirates sails out of it.
- The Pirate War begins
- 15,504 years AR
- Ransom is assassinated and his pirate mages, seeking revenge, attempt to recreate the Ransom Storm over Hullroost. This massive loss of life ignites the Fires. No one is called.
- The Fires receed and leave behind a world in an ice age.
- 600 years AR
- All races emerge
- Humans, gnomes, and Roken are once again reduced to hunter/gatherer state
- Sidhe successfully pass the Renewal in their realm and elect to limit access during this Cycle. Some do come and go later into the Cycle.
- Kelpians and dwarves are fairly well off at the start of this Cycle, as the dwarves were able to go underground fairly quickly and the Kelpians emerged under the ice.
- 800 years AR
- Dwarves open up two of their cities to the other races
- Gnomes manage to carve a city into the very ice and use the first instance of proper magitech to heat it without melting it
- A large number of humans and roken take the dwarves up on their offer
- Kelpians become an economic power simply because they are able to farm on the sea floor, even going so far as to build fisheries in the ice
- 1,300 years AR
- A magical experiment in the gnome city goes catastrophicly wrong. The city is destroyed along with most of the citizens. In desperation, the gnomes go to the dwarves for help in constructing a metal city. In the end, they tap into the same magic they had harnessed in RC2 and "grow" a new Firmament Tree out of metal and stone.
- 1,400 years AR
- Kelpians discover that arcane fallout from the gnome city is flowing into the ocean from a dimensional tear into the Echoes
- Kelpian, human, and gnome mages work on removing the fallout and sealing the tear
- 1,800 years AR
- Roken migrate to the Firmament Tree en mass and are welcomed in by the gnomes as the world begins to get colder
- A team of mages makes it to the tear and discover that something is siphoning off At-Breith's heat
- The mage team begins working on sealing the tear. They eventually find a solution, though two of the mages caution that this is likely to end up being a case of "the cure is worse than the disease"
- 4,000 years AR
- The two mages were proven right when the tear is ripped open and something comes through. A new team of mages travels to the tear and this time, two of them cross into the Echoes to close the tear from both sides.
- 7,500 years AR
- The thing that came through hatches at the bottom of the ocean
- Kelpians manage to contain it for a time
- 8,500 years AR
- The Kelpian containment fails and the thing begins a slow march east, destroying anything that gets in its way and growing steadily larger. Thankfully, it moves slowly. Dwarves attempt to contain it next, with the aid of the gnomes.
- 9,000 years AR
- It breaks free once again and will not be contained again
- A group dedicated to researching the thing realize two things: first, it is from the Echoes of the Possible. Second, it is deliberately going somewhere. Expeditions are dispatched due east along the thing's heading and one team discovers Eythallium.
- Upon the rediscovery of Eythallium, the Sidhe make an appearance and fill world leaders in on the importance of the city: the Fires of Creation are housed below it and if this thing can consume them, it will be the end of At-Breith.
- A gnome named Gamble Sealight is called to the Fires
- The sidhe make contact with the mages lost in the Echoes and together, they come up with a plan to stop the thing: sidhe mages teach the two stuck in the Echoes how to create a pocket dimension and connect it to the world, but also how to disconnect it. The plan requires the mages to seal themselves into the pocket dimension with the thing. Just as Gamble is approaching the Fires, the plan is put into action and the thing is forced into the pocket dimension. The mages inside break the connection from At-Breith and a team of the best dimensional mages of the sidhe contain the pocket dimension into a gemstone that they entrust to Gamble.
- 9,002 years AR
- Gamble Sealight arrives at the Fires with the gemstone and is given a new option: the Renewal will happen regardless, his choice is whether or not he will continue on in the new Cycle empowered by an ember of Fires, or if he will sacrifice that ember to make the pocket dimension contained in the gemstone into a new world all its own.
- The Fires receed and leave behind a curious world formation, one where there does not seem to be ground, just massive floating islands in an eternal sky. (Imagine a gas giant. There is a core somewhere down there, its just that the heat and pressure would kill you before you saw it.)
- Gamble Sealight does not appear, presumably because he sacrificed his ember, but I'm not saying one way or another yet. [If someone wants to tell his story, let me know] A staute of Gamble does appear in the Hall of the Flame.
- 300 years AR
- All the races emerge at once and on the same floating continent
- Eythallium is also on this continent and is quickly the home city of all the races.
- 450 years AR
- Sidhe mages arrive at Eythallium and begin teaching students of the other races
- Dwarves and gnomes take what they learn from the sidhe and begin building magitech airships
- The first exploration airship returns after a few years with charts to several other major islands
- 500 years AR
- People of all races begin settling newly found islands
- Magitech airships of all sizes are commonly found plying the skies
- A gnome mage visiting the Hall of the Flame touches the statue of Gamble Sealight and the entire race of gnomes gains an ability to "see" how an item is embued with magic, how magic flows, and as a result, they are able to begin building finer, smaller, and more precise bits of magitech.
- 1,500 years AR
- Roken are thriving in this world, as they are able to see wind currents and thermals and thus, they can steer an airship along the most efficient routes. A roken captain or helm on an airship becomes a mark of distinction.
- After two continent-sized islands are found that hold seas, the kelpians begin thriving again as well. They take up the torch from the sidhe mages and continue teaching new mages
- The sidhe withdraw from At-Breith once again
- 3,000 years AR
- One of the three remaining Dragons, Calerixen, shows up and gifts the leaders of Eythallium an egg. They are told that the egg will hatch and be a blessing for the entire world.
- 5,000 years AR
- The egg hatches and the first naturally born dragon (Garsis) emerges. All of Eythallium celebrates.
- The nation of Eythallium renames itself the Dragon Empire
- 6,000 years AR
- The Dragon Empire with Garsis at its head, unites the entire world mostly peacefully.
- 7,000 years AR
- Gamble Sealight and one of the mages that was trapped in the pocket dimension show up and ask Garsis to come to their world, as only a dragon can fan the ember into a flame. Garsis agrees on the condition that anyone who wishes to go with them be allowed to. 10,000 people go.
- 7,042 years AR
- A roken woman named Aulom Bluewing is called to the Fires.
- The Fires receed, leaving behind a world of monsters and horrors.
- 34,877 years AR
- What with one thing or another, 34,000 years pass and the Fires call out to a human named Connyr Maist.
- The Fires receed and leave the world of our "current day" which is set 1,277 years AR.